Tuesday, September 4, 2012


hai ,im giena, why i got september title? bcOz this is my month, in another 5 days im gonna become 22 years old. oh how jagung i am rite~ 
yes i am married women. my husband stay in kulim kedah n i stay in kl. how far we am.
so diz year same with last year im gonna celebrating my bufdays alone. 
oh not sme as so many2 years before.T__T

yeah dah lme sgt x mnulis blog ni,,
firstly i rse mcm dh nk bersara,start blogging since 2009 i think ,
tp xla famOus mcm biskut famos almos tu~ 
just for fun n jgk for my diaries,
 yes i really love to writting, 
in time i get mad... or happy i like to express the feel by writting,
 that why my blog being born, 
oh trime kasih pd sy sbb dh melahirkn blog2 sy ni~ 
hugh sjak2 akhir2 ni mmg hari meletihkn, 
bekerja dgn hanya 3 staff,  >..<
oh damn bgilir2 oncoll .. dgn aduan
kaki mengadu, pesakit tb,
pesakit berlambak, oh..
mcm2 hal .~! 
kdg2 terpikir,oh boley x i nk pg bercuti kt korea?
nk sjukkn otak i? 
hoho jgn berangan lah nk off ptg pom xdpt,,
nseb la last rya on august kitorg dpt cuti,,
stelah puas memujuk merayu mcm org gile byg, sikh :X
but keadaan dh nk kembli normal ,,
my comfilement fren ( btol ke aku eja ni ?) 
dan nk blik dr cuti bersalin,,
oh tuhan.. 
aku nk off ptg evryday lah,sjak akhir2 ni asyik skit pingg,,oh i got 2 * already,,
og dangerous,lpas ni kna bjaga2 ~~~ 

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