Sunday, October 24, 2010


oh mum~
very da hungery sudaa ank mu ini..
if i cOuld Eat..?

nk ni,,, umiii....(T__T)
fruity chocolateees ice cream cakEs~!
credit ...<3

can't help stop missing hOme~!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

~ mask...

sy sgt cumil~! haha~ni mask putih kot yg have no
layer~so sgt seswai bg hero ni~!
did u all even know abOut mask~?
ini bkn tOpeng opera china tau~
tp mask,,
yg biasa kite pkai dlm ward~!
thenks to nenek cOz giving us a lot of information~

biase dlm ward kite pkai jer kn apa yg cI bg~ 
tp did u all aware of the difencess?
ayt nenek~
my name is blue n i got 2 layers~!

ini adalh N95~tp ini bkn nokia punya enfon tau~
1st tyme tgk~ cilaka btol
thiss is pink~ it got 3 layers~
very2 safe ,ahaha~!
dah2 i more to goess~green one~
dont hav the pic~ but it only hav one 
layer,,so itss not kek lapiss,,

ni adalah demo from nurse gedik ,,on how to wear mask~!
hahah~! slamat mencuba~!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

i cant sleep~

itss 2 am already,,
n i cant sleep~
nk bt aper ni,..?
baking life lg kew.??
oh noo..
esk pg klass miss gnanesh already~
msti x phm apa2 nnti,,
nvm i love him,,eh her much2~
n im trying to sleep~
tips tuk tido?
1 biri2..
2 biri2..
3 biri2.....
4 biri2....
ah i got a cll...
from my hubey~!! ...
oh no my biri2 was gone,,,
start kire blik lar~

biri2 yg dah msk,,sape mau ?

keep fit~

huhu nk keep fit?
jom pegi gym terbukak~
tp jgn tiru kami~
anda mestilaah pkai suar jeanss \
eh oppsss  tracksuit okeh~!

kayuh2~smpai cbut kaki~
wah sy dah kurus~! haha yeay

ini adalah senaman utk mengecikkn tgn dan kaki anda~!
^_^ smOga berjaya~!

ini tuk mbuang lemak dipeha~ yukss

dah2 cukup lar tuh~
hehe keep fitness ya~! jgn lupa~

new blogg~!

first must say~

n dizz is me~
~nia margiena~

xcumil pom~ 

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